With Attractive Vetting, YOU Are The Center OF Your Dating Life
If you can sense Attractive Vetting is not a superficial, gimmicky method for finding a man...
If you're scared or hesitant about how deep into yourself and your patterns it seems to go...
Or if you're wondering if you can really do this...
Then you are very perceptive and grasp both the power and depth of Attractive Vetting.
You've seen how it starts with you: You are the center.
To find your Mr. Right for the long term, you MUST restore and embody a deep sense of your feminine core, your feminine energy.
And then the dating mindset and approach just flows out of that, channel through a clear understanding of masculine-feminine dynamics.
So now let's go deep into you.
Attractive Vetting Awakens Your Feminine Energy
So how does the Attractive Vetting approach help you find your Mr. Right?
Or more accurately, help your Mr. Right find you?
It all starts with a deep, female power the modern world supresses: Femininity.
Or what I call Feminine ENERGY—something many women have been conditioned to ignore, dismiss, or even doubt exists.
But feminine energy is essential for Mr. Right to find you, because...
Feminine energy is your hidden power to catch his eye and fan the flame of his desire for you no matter who you are or what your personality is...
From your first glance across a room, first swipe, first text...
...All the way through dating and beyond.
Attractive Vetting starts your journey to Mr. Right by opening your eyes to your innate feminine energy because...
Your Feminine Energy Is As Real & Powerful As Your Smile
Feminine energy is not a "woo-woo," hocus-pocus idea.
It's a real power you already possess... and it's an essential part of finding your Mr. Right.
Here's proof:
Imagine you didn't smile when meeting a man or going on dates.
Your relationships would turn chilly, and you'd end up lonelier than you've ever been, right?
But if you're like I was, you're not "smiling" with your deep femininity... you're not radiating feminine energy that men long for and will pursue with all their strength.
You might be smiling with your mouth, but your feminine energy is neutral (or frowning)!
And that's because you're disconnected from the feminine energy that lies deep within you.
Which means you'll become a magnet for losers, you'll turn off high quality men, and you'll suffer from more "ghosting" (even when you thought things were going great).
But if you're connected with your feminine energy, you'll draw high quality men towards you by your feminine energy shining out in a thousand ways:
In how you present yourself, in what you say and how you say it, in what you don't say, in your spontaneous reactions, in your thoughts, in how you carry yourself, in how you treat yourself, and more.
If you struggle with insecurity in these areas, it's likely because you've lost connection with your innate feminine energy.
So with Attractive Vetting, you re-awaken and reconnect with your feminine energy so it can do what it does best: ATTRACT quality men.
But before we look at this, you need to hear the final part of the story: What happened to your feminine energy and why you're disconnected from it...
Has Your Feminine Energy Suffered From This Modern Tragedy?
There's a secret tragedy experienced by women who are successful in the professional world today... and it has everything to do with you and your dating life.
Life throws you into many roles (daughter, sister, friend, employee, boss, etc).
And despite what we all like to believe the fact is you’re not a product entirely of your own creation.
All these roles affect you… sometimes just on the surface, and other times it’s down deep.
You’re influenced to be, to act, and to respond in certain ways.
This outside influence can be good, but it also has a dark side—it can influence you to bury parts of yourself your circumstances and society don’t value.
Modern society and corporate culture tends to value and reward masculine energy: competition, drive, ambition, action, decisiveness, and external success.
This is just the air we breathe in the modern world.
So you're under immense pressure to surpress your feminine energy.
Has your feminine energy has gotten buried?
If you're like I was, you've adopted these masculine values and energies, and your feminine core has become buried...
You've lost touch with it, you've ignored it, and it's gone to sleep and become dormant.
You've become unfamiliar with how it works, what it can do for you, and what it feels like.
And just think about it: if your femininity is buried, your dating and relationships become confusing, frustrating, and prone to failure!
And here's the reason:
Successful relationships grow from a beautiful interplay between masculine AND feminine energies.
It's an ancient dance that men and women have found each other in since the dawn of time.
So if you're not providing feminine energy to bring a dynamic balance to your relationship, the relationships isn't going to come alive.
And that's why Attractive Vetting starts here... with you, with your feminine energy.
You need to WAKE IT UP! Here's how:
Attraction Alignment Awakens Your Feminine Energy In These 3 Ways:
#1 Identify and release your limiting beliefs and blockages.
If you're like I was, you need to slow down, because that's how you go deeper into yourself and identify what's holding you back.
Slowing down isn’t easy because you’ve been programmed to go go go.
And you're programmed to "feel" like it's wasting time, when it’s really the most effective thing you can do to wake up the best parts of yourself.
Attraction Alignment starts by helping you slow down with specific experiential exercises, so you experience rest from “doing” and instead experience “being”...
This naturally gets you in touch with your feminine energy.
You'll open your eyes to how innately attractive and worthy you really are, which leads to raising your standards (what you want) and strengthening your boundaries (what you don't want).
Here's what a mentee said about this process for her:

#2 Embody new beliefs to ALIGN your actions with them
Here's what I mean...
You aren't just a brain. You can't change your deep beliefs in isolation from your body.
You need ALIGNMENT among all your many parts: mind, soul, body, and behavior.
Here's how a mentee felt as she began to wake up her feminine energy:

But wearing dresses again is not the point: She was embodying her feminine energy in a way that felt natural for her as she reconnected with it and let it shine.
'Embodying' means experientially rewiring your thinking and nervous system, to bring new thoughts deep into your body so you can simply BE and remain in touch with your feelings, intuitions, and your inner guidance.
Here's a story: One of my mentees had a date and told me afterwards, "He’s a great guy and didn’t do anything wrong, but the connection was just ‘blah’.”
But after digging I helped her discover he had NOT treated her well but she failed to recognize his poor treatment.
Because she was triggered and detached from her real-time experience of him. She went into her autopilot “politeness” mode and glossed over some pretty big red flags like manipulative behavior and subtle put-downs.
Without embodiment, this is the sort of unworthy man she might continue seeing and waste months of her life with.
Embodying creates new, natural-feeling patterns, so you won't fall into old patterns of overthinking or detachment (which is also a major turn-off to high quality men). And instead, you just "be" in the moment, and your natural attractiveness will shine (men can sense when you are fully in the moment and are attracted to it like crazy!)
#3 Discover the beauty of Masculine-Feminine Dynamics
The masculine-feminine energy dynamic at the heart of Attraction Alignment is based in both modern science and time-tested tradition. (Sadly, modern culture rejects this... that's a different discussion).
Everyone is unique of course, but men and women have distinct patterns and energies.
You must understand these patterns and energies before you can embrace them, channel them, and "ride" their natural waves to an awesome relationship!
Some of my mentees take time to accept this and "get it" because it's so counter-cultural...
...and there's a LOT of skewed versions of this
...and rigid or naïve understandings of it.
But understanding REAL masculine-feminine dynamics changes everything about your dating and your understanding of yourself, and eliminates SO MUCH unnecessary effort and heartache.
Ask yourself:
- Do I understand the male language?
- Do I really know how men process life?
- Do I know what high quality men are looking for and what drives them in life and in a relationship with me?
- Do I understand how men handle conflict?
- Do I have a clear picture of how men and women are perfectly matched in their energies, and how to "dance" with my man at that deep level?
Check out this sad story from a mentee, and what she's learned:

"It makes me feel so ready and know how much I have to offer!" I LOVE it!
Understanding Masculine-Feminine Dynamics is the master key that allows you to channel these two energies into an amazing, romantic, and exciting life-long relationship.
How To Use Attractive Vetting In Your Own Life
I believe you can find the relationship of your dreams by using Attractive Vetting.
It doesn't matter where you're starting, or any "issues" you feel you have!
After all, I was 37, divorced, and had 2 children when I began! And everything turned around for me with Attractive Vetting.
I started with myself, reconnecting with my feminine energy, and then I began aligning my life with those desires in a feminine, attractive way.
And before I knew it, my love Derek found me!
But before I tell you how you can get started using Attractive Vetting in your own life, let me share two other voices with you...
Two of my former mentees recently gave interviews about their experience with Attractive Vetting, so read this glimpse of what it did for them:
"Most of the dating books I read were like, "Oh, this is the list of questions you have to ask the guy. And these are the things you have to look out for."
And I was like, this is a lot. Like, that's not fun. I mean, yeah, it's not all about fun. But I don't want to go on a date just having all these lists in my head, right?
So I just felt like I had so much information. But when I tried to apply it, and I actually go on a date, it's not applicable. It didn't feel practical for me. So that's what I talked to Leila about.
She told me that the Attractive Vetting strategy does not does not require any of these things. That you don't need to come in with all these questions. And you could filter out people in a much more efficient way. She just told me that she's all about efficiency. And she has a way that's very efficient. And I trusted her, that her strategy would work for me.
So the first thing is what I want. I didn't know what I wanted. And how to look for what I want. And how to figure out if this is a person I keep seeing or not? And also how to navigate in the dating scene. I didn't know how to do that. So I wanted more.
And I wanted all the answers of all these questions to fit together. So what you want and what to look for fit together with how to navigate the dating scene so that's why... that was the big thing, like the main thing that I got with Attractive Vetting."
Here's a second mentee's experience finding her husband with Attractive Vetting:
"I think with me a lot of it had to do with my age, you know, I was 34. I wanted a family, and I had traditional values. I'm not going to just have a family without being married.
But I was also the common denominator. All my failed relationships just seemed like they showed a pattern. And I just couldn't break it. A lot of cheating, a lot of stuff that I was allowing, you know, and so I wasn't raising my own self worth. I didn't recognize it.
So the first thing she taught me is to look at what did I want. Focusing on that, it weeded out manipulators by not asking as many questions. Let the man ask questions. Be comfortable, lean back with your feelings, let him fill the space.
I feel like my personality is very strong. And I've been told by other people that I'm an "alpha female." So for me to become submissive and receptive was completely new for me. But with Attractive Vetting it wasn't like an identity crisis sort of a thing. It was just unnatural at first.
It was a version of me that's softer that I hadn't really ever been comfortable with. But with Attractive Vetting, Leila was telling me to lead with that. And then, for my dominant personality to just like take a seat. Because it hasn't been working for so long.
Everything was very old school with a feminine approach that I had never been taught by anybody, not even my mom. And so I really appreciated that.
In terms of my future, the biggest thing was I wanted a man that was trustworthy. Well, what am I going to do for that? What's the feminine side to that? I need to trust. I wasn't trusting any of my previous relationships, you know, and a lot of it could have been too because I wasn't vetting them correctly.
And then also how to respond to stuff. You tell him what you feel or what you would love to see. And then you let the man fulfill that because he wants to make you happy.
I learned to tell him stuff like, "I would really love to wear this dress out one night," you know, so you put that out there. You're not telling him what to do. And then he'll figure it out. He'll be creative, you know, is it gonna be dinner, or maybe you go for a walk downtown, and then you wear the dress, you know, whatever it is.
But you're receptive to all of that. You're not telling him that's not good enough, you're just receptive to his leading because that's what you want, you want a man to lead.
It was just hard for me to change everything after so many years, but I ended up having to just trust the process. And you know, it ended up working. So after six months, I ended up getting engaged.
So I still let him lead, I'm not trying to be controlling, those are things that I never did in the past. And so I just let him lead and trust, you know. We started dating for a reason, because I was vetting men instead of like trying to outsmart the game. And so I've already done that process. And so now it's just kind of relax and just let him lead. Just tell him what you want and be the feminine part of the team.
Had I known of Attractive Vetting years earlier I wouldn't be so late in the game, but at the same time, I'm thankful because I'm marrying someone that I'm so glad I found late in the game.

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