Important information for women looking to find their Mr. Right but who are sick of patterns of unsuccessful dating:
Rediscovered In 2021: “Attractive Vetting”
A forgotten, secret “Old World” dating approach has been rediscovered and updated for modern women...
"Attractive Vetting" is a new and different way for women to avoid losers, attract quality men, and find their perfectly-matched "Mr. Right" without wasting time, feeling desperate, or settling.
It’s true…
There’s a new and different way for you to avoid losers, attract high quality men, and find lasting love from your Mr. Right…
...a high quality man who’s perfectly matched to you.
Sometimes “what’s old is gold” and the best kept secrets from “Old World” dating have been re-discovered and updated for the modern dating world:
It’s called Attractive Vetting.
And it’s very different from the standard dating methods you’re likely familiar with because it turns dating fundamentally upside down in these specific ways:
● Instead of trying to give him what he wants, with Attractive Vetting you get deeply in touch with what you want (and get more clarity about your real desires than you've ever experienced before).
● Instead of abandoning your true self in the effort to win men's affections, with Attractive Vetting you unlock your core feminine energy so you feel more yourself than you ever have.
● Instead of trying to cleverly outsmart men to get them to do what you want, with Attractive Vetting you “lean back” and let him figure out what you want (high quality men love this).
● Instead of exhausting methods to discover what he’s "really" like, with Attractive Vetting you sit back so he reveals what he’s really like to you (often in ways he doesn’t even realize).
● Instead of endlessly second-guessing yourself and falling into the trap of trying to convince yourself “he’s perfect,” with Attractive Vetting he’s convincing you he’s "The One" who's perfectly matched to your desires.
And that's just the start.
Attractive Vetting lets your newly shining feminine energy do all the “work” for you—both to repel losers AND to find your Mr. Right… your “One” perfectly matched to you.
Bottom Line: Instead of doing more and more and more to finally find your man, “Attractive Vetting” gets you relationship success by doing LESS.
It instantly repels time-wasting losers without you needing to do anything.
In fact, it’s precisely by "doing less" that you clear losers out of the way and give your Mr. Right the space to find you and let him show himself to you.
And as you’ll see, it makes dating feel fun, effortless, and efficient.
Best part of all, you don't have to compromise your values or “settle” for an unworthy man.
And you can regain a positive, hopeful, and confident vision of your dating journey even if you don't “feel attractive” or have had a string of months or years of unsuccessful dating.
Plus, it sets you up for long-term relationship happiness by grounding it on healthy masculine-feminine dynamics from the start.
So, if you want to avoid losers, attract high quality men, and find your perfectly-matched Mr. Right for a life of blissful love, you want to pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you.
Hi, my name is Leila Tomasone, and I’m a love and relationship mentor for single women.
At age 37 I was divorced, had two daughters, worked full-time, and was studying for my MBA. I was reeling from 12 years in a destructive marriage and knew I had to pull myself out of a deep hole.
I was so unhappy with modern dating that I plunged deep into studying and practicing everything I could about better relationships... and developed Attractive Vetting as I found my Mr. Right (Derek) just over a year later. Now I'm happier than I ever could have dreamed...
I've introduced Attractive Vetting to hundreds of women, and they've experienced a complete transformation in their dating life... they go from failure and frustration all the way to a blissful life of love with their Man.

But Attractive Vetting doesn't start with a man, it starts with YOU:
With Attractive Vetting, You Re-Awaken Your Forgotten Feminine Energy So You're More "You" In Dating
There's a secret tragedy experienced by women who are successful in the professional world today... and it has everything to do with you and your dating life.
But before I tell you about it, let me backup for a second...
Who are you?
You have to wear many "hats" throughout your life, right?
You're a daughter, sister, friend, employee, leader, neighbor, associate, peer, volunteer, citizen, and more.
But under those surface roles—at your core—lies your feminine energy.
Feminine energy is NOT "woo-woo," hocus-pocus stuff: it's specific and practical.
If you're unfamiliar or uncomfortable with your feminine energy, your relationship journey toward the life you want is going to suffer...
...suffer from more stress, more wasted time, and more ghosting from men you thought "things were going great" with.
But with Attractive Vetting, you re-awaken your core feminine energy so it can begin working for you.
But more on that in a minute.
First, it's critical to recognize what's happened to your feminine energy:
You have to adapt to your different roles in life, and all these roles affect you… sometimes just on the surface, and other times it’s down deep.
You’re influenced to be certain ways, act certain ways, respond certain ways, think of certain things, and make certain kinds of decisions. And in the process "you" can become buried.
As much as we all like to believe, the fact is you’re not a product entirely of your own creation. You're influenced from the outside.
This outside influence can be good, but it also has a dark side—it can influence you to bury parts of yourself your circumstances and society don’t value.
This is the tragedy for women who are successful in the professional world today:
Their femininity, their deep feminine core, has gotten buried.
It’s been suppressed because modern society and corporate culture tends to celebrate and reward masculine energy: competition, drive, ambition, action, decisiveness, and external success.
This is just the air we breathe in the modern world.
And if you're like I was, you've adopted these masculine values and energies, and your feminine core has become buried...
You've lost touch with it, you've ignored it, and it's gone to sleep and become dormant.
Like an unused muscle, your feminine energy atrophies and gets weak.
You avoid it because you become unfamiliar with it, with how it works, what it can do for you, and what it feels like.
And that's why Attractive Vetting starts here... with you, with your feminine core. You need to WAKE IT UP!
Here's how a mentee felt as she began to wake up her feminine energy:

But Wearing dresses again is not the point: She was embodying her feminine energy as she reconnected with it and let it shine. (More on "embodying" in a minute...)
And that's so important because your feminine energy is the source of your attraction.
Your deep feminine magnetism is the single most important power you have to catch the eye of men's hearts and draw high quality men to you so you can find your very own Mr. Right.
Every woman has innate feminine energy (including you!), but not all women have awakened it or know what to do with it in dating...
Think about it: if your femininity is buried, it's no wonder dating and relationships become confusing, frustrating, and prone to failure!
And here's the reason:
Successful relationships grow from a beautiful interplay between masculine and feminine energies. And if you're not providing balancing, feminine energy to a relationship, it's just not going to work.
So Attractive Vetting starts with a unique visualization process to reconnect with your feminine energy, reawaken it, and unlock its many powers. This is critical to getting the relationship and life you desire.
After reconnecting with your innate femininity, you feel more like yourself than you ever have before... which means you'll be seen as easy-going and comfortable in any situation (even uncomfortable ones!)
And you also gain unprecedented clarity about what you want in a man and your future with him.
You'll discover what you want (your standards) and what you DON'T want (your boundaries) in a relationship.
This is not as obvious as it sounds--many of the women I mentor come to me saying "I am realizing I don't really know yet what I want."
Here's what one of my mentees said as she was learning Attractive Vetting:

With clarity like this, you can't help but be confident in dating... saying "No" becomes effortless... and saying "Yes" becomes thrilling!
Plus, your clear desires eliminate second-guessing, overthinking, and the fear of "settling."
And best of all, you set the stage for effortless dating... let me show you how:
With Attractive Vetting You Learn Real Attraction, And Discover Your Own Desirability
Do you know what attraction looks like practically?
Or have you accepted a counterfeit, dumbed-down, cultural version of 'attraction' just meaning "physical appearance"?
With Attractive Vetting you discover what attraction truly is, and how you can "use" attraction in dating in a practical way.
Consider these questions with me:
Does a street musician run around the streets asking for people to come and listen?
Does a celebrity text everybody nearby before making an appearance asking what they're up to and if they want to come see them?
Does a beautiful and rare bird try to be "extra" beautiful and rare in the desperate hope a birdwatcher will pay attention?
No. Because they are attractive.
In these examples there is no chasing: no initiation or requests, no "checking in", no "trying too hard" to please.
They command attention and interest from others just by being who they are and doing what they do.
With Attractive Vetting you discover and embrace your attractiveness, and attract men instead of chasing them. (I'll tell you how in a minute...)
Attraction makes dating so much more fun, because what woman wouldn't love to be chased by men?
Now you may be thinking "I get chased all the time... by creeps! I don't want more of that!"
Attractive Vetting solves that problem easily with the "Magic Wall"... but more on that later.
Getting chased by high quality men is where you want to be if you're trying to find your Mr. Right.
And attraction makes finding him effortless because true attraction isn't active. It doesn't require effort. The magic of attraction is it moves others without moving.
So what is attraction?
Attraction is simply the natural result of being desirable.
But... this breaks my heart... many women don't trust their attractive power because deep down they doubt they are desirable... they doubt they are worthy of love from a high quality man.
"What's wrong with me?"
"Why do I always find losers?"
"Why does no one text me back?"
"Why am I being left behind?"
Voices from your childhood, your family, your exes, your friends, culture, and your own inner critic sink down deep in your soul and turn into limiting beliefs, unconscious blockages to happiness, and self-sabotaging patterns.
All this yucky inner stuff starts a vicious cycle of doubting your worthiness, which leads to doubting your attractiveness, which leads to you chasing, which leads to bad relationships, which starts the cycle all over again.
Attractive Vetting breaks you out of this cycle!
Attractive Vetting frees you to let your beautiful, attractive, feminine self shine out into the world.
It's not a trick, it's not a "fake it till you make it" thing, and it's not changing you. It's learning to be more yourself. It's true—you are desirable to men.
As a woman, you possess an energy—feminine energy—men hunger for.
You just need to see it deep within you, and align yourself with it.
Attractive Vetting uses 3 main methods to unlock your attraction, and open your eyes to your own desirability:
1) Specific "slowing down" experiential exercises to identify and release your limiting beliefs and blockages.
Slowing down isn’t easy because you’ve been programmed to go go go.
But when you slow down with these exercises, you experience rest from “doing” and instead experience “being” which gets you in touch with how naturally attractive you are.
2) Specific practices (enjoyable ones!) to embody these new beliefs in your personal and dating life and align your actions with them.
Here's what I mean...
We aren't just brains. We can't change our deep beliefs in isolation from our bodies.
Embodying means experientially "rewiring" your thinking and nervous system, to bring new thoughts deep into your body so you can simply "be" and remain in touch with your feelings, intuitions, and your inner guidance.
You'll see how important this is for effective dating in this story:
One of my mentees had a date and told me afterwards, "He’s a great guy and didn’t do anything wrong, but the connection was just ‘blah’.” But after digging I helped her discover he had not treated her well but she failed to recognize it.
Because she was triggered and detached from her real-time experience of him. She went into her autopilot “politeness” mode and glossed over some pretty big red flags like manipulative behavior and subtle put-downs.
Without embodiment, this is the sort of unworthy man she might continue seeing and waste months of her life with.
But embodying creates new patterns, so you won't fall into old patterns of overthinking or detachment (which is also a major turn-off to high quality men). And instead, you just "be" in the moment, and your natural attractiveness will shine (men can sense when you are fully in the moment and are attracted to it like crazy!)
3) Learning how men are wired, how women are wired, and how they fit together.
Do you really know how men think?
Do you know what high quality men are looking for and what drives them in life and in a relationship with you?
Do you have a clear picture of how men and women dynamically relate at their cores?
Check out this sad but hopeful text from a mentee:

The masculine-feminine energy dynamic at the heart of Attractive Vetting is based in both modern science and time-tested tradition. (Sadly, modern culture rejects this... that's a different discussion). But some of my mentees take a LONG time to accept this and "get it" because it's so counter-cultural...
...and there's a LOT of skewed versions of this
...and rigid or naïve understandings of it.
But understanding masculine-feminine dynamics changes everything about your dating strategy as you'll see below.
For now, I'll tell you one huge advantage to understanding masculine-feminine dynamics is providing you specific but simple guidelines to follow when dating that keep you in your "attraction mode" without falling back into patterns of chasing.
But you might be thinking "What's the big deal about chasing? I don't chase men... do I?"
Attractive Vetting Stops You From Chasing Men... and Lets You Build a "Magic Wall" Instead (So You Automatically Repel Losers & Attract High Quality Men!)
There is one, simple secret to build a "Magic Wall" that automatically screens out losers (without you even needing to know who's a loser and who's not).
And it also automatically draws out the very best in high quality men.
You can build this Magic Wall right now in under 1 second, and it takes no skill.
Here's how to build it: Stop chasing men.
It's that easy.

But almost every woman I mentor doesn't realize how she IS chasing, which makes it impossible to stop.
It takes a process of realization to see your behavior in a new way and to stop an unconcious, ingrained pattern, and this realization process is a key part of Attractive Vetting.
So, for a few examples of chasing, ask yourself if you've ever done any of these?
You might be thinking "Well, if I'm not supposed to do any of this, what the heck else is there to even do?"
If you're reacting this way, you're deep into a "chasing" mindset...
And I'm here to tell you Attractive Vetting holds SO MUCH MORE for you than you can even imagine!
But before we get there, you really need to get this:
Look at the man's unconscious perspective when you chase him: "She's reaching out to me, prodding me to move, prodding me to take things to the next level. It must be because she doesn't think she's worthy enough for me to want to pursue her."
Chasing hides your attractiveness, and drives away high quality men.
It creates the "desperate" vibe women fear they give off. And in my experience, I would say 60% of women's experiences of their man ghosting or "falling off the radar" is because of this chasing vibe.
If a man does stick around (for a while), it's likely because he's a loser enjoying the free "entertainment." But he'll bail once the pressure to take it to the next level gets too high, or he finds a more "entertaining" woman who comes with no strings attached.
Chasing "attracts" only losers like this.
But with Attractive Vetting's "Magic Wall," here's what you're "doing" instead:
- Feeling at peace when a man deselects himself
- Being busy enjoying your life whether he takes 3 minutes to text back or 3 days
- Leaning back and observing during conversations since you know he is the one auditioning for a place in your life (much more on "auditioning" in a minute)
- Noticing what "agenda" he is setting for conversation
- Being in touch with how he's making you feel
- Feeling at ease with positive and negative emotions, expressing your needs and desires honestly in the moment
- Feeling playful and laughing, having fun with banter, mystery, and tingling tension between you
- Expressing desires and requests without expectation, and enjoying letting him meet them (this makes you MORE exciting to a man than trying to be "impressive" or "entertaining")
- Generously expressing gratitude and excitement when receiving his gifts and attention (this is like food to a man's soul)
- Revealing your preferred sexual boundaries and standards and holding to them with total security
- Feeling what's true for you, regardless of his mood
- Being pleased and ready when he moves the relationship towards marriage
Can you imagine a loser man putting up with this?
He wants you to do all the work, he wants you to put on a show for him (until he gets bored).
So this "attractive," leaned-back posture feels like a million-mile tall wall he has ZERO interest in climbing, and he won't be bothering you any more once he gets one whiff of it.
But here's why the Magic Wall is magic: at the same time it repels losers, it ATTRACTS masculine, energetic men looking for a woman who knows she's worth their effort to win.
Check out this text from a client in Denmark showing the Magic Wall in action:

One loser down! Good riddance, thanks for not wasting her time!
One high quality man shows himself!
Magic Wall you are amazing!
The Magic Wall says, subconsciously: "There's a prize behind this wall. Come and see if you have what it takes to win!"
Masculine men are energized by a challenging goal so your attractive posture gives them a target to focus their energy and efforts toward (they love this).
They'll want to WIN... YOU!
But now it's your turn...
...because the men that overcome your Magic Wall might be in a class above the losers, many might even be great and admirable men, but which one is "The One" for you?
"Vetting" is how to find out:
With Attractive Vetting, You Learn The Lost Art of a Stress-Free Dating Strategy: Vetting Men
You've already discovered how attracting is so much easier and more effective than chasing, and now you'll see how vetting is so much better than "proving yourself" or "convincing him."
This is the critical "Vetting" part of Attractive Vetting, which turns the tables on typical dating and gives you a new, stress-free strategy for the dating process.
Vetting is the process of evaluating a man to discover if he's your "Mr. Right," and you'll discover how this process works below.
But first you need to understand the Attractive Vetting mindset:
You're like a director who's looking for a star for your film.
Here's what I mean:
You're not trying to prove yourself, convince him, keep him, or please him enough for him to move forward. (I get anxious just thinking about how stressful this is!)
Instead you're simply giving him space to convince YOU he's the one for you!
Saying "yes" to a date is you accepting a request from a man to audition for you... it's you saying "Ok, I'll give you an opportunity to audition for a role in my life."
You're not locked into overly-specific or superficial "must-haves" for who could play that role for you.
You're not limiting your availability to one actor at a time (why should you commit to one before he "signs on"?) You want LOTS of options to choose from.
And you're open to surprises.
Sound fun? It is!

But you do have standards, boundaries, and requirements.
And good directors never announce their specific requirements for a role. They just let the actor reveal themselves and evaluate afterwards if the performance matched the requirements.
So like a good director, with Attractive Vetting you begin vetting men by simply observing his first audition (your first date) and ask yourself afterwards:
- How does he treat me?
- How does he make me feel?
- How attracted am I to him? (Don't be too quick with this one, because even awesome men can take a while to warm up.)
Those questions let him decide for you if he's earned a "Yes" for a second audition or not.
Did he make you want to accept a second audition or not?
Either way is great, because you're not emotionally invested; you're just at peace in yourself, so declining a second date is easy: "I'm not available anymore."
But unless it's a super obvious "No," I recommend to women I mentor to just relax and enjoy the journey until at least the third date before setting aside some time to evaluate how things are going.
So after the third date, take some time for yourself to crystallize your experience with him to gain clarity.
Because by then, you have a good amount of information about him and his character, so you're considering things like this:
- How has he responded if he's bumped up against one of my boundaries, and I revealed it to him? Like "I don't do 'girlfriend'... I'm not exclusive until I have a ring on my finger." (His response to your boundaries is a surefire way to discover his true colors, so you don't have to guess.)
- How has he reacted when I've revealed my standards? (Like, do you want him to pick you up? Do you want him to pay? Do you want him to open the door?) Is he energized by meeting your desires, or does he drag his feet?
- What actions is he taking toward me? Is he treating me how I want my husband to treat me?
- What does he talk about, where does he drive our conversations? (When you just let him speak, you'll see his heart quite clearly and quickly, because "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.")
- How has your attraction to him developed or changed since you first met?
- How have you been doing at staying in attraction mode, leaning back, and being in your feminine energy? (So you can let him reveal his true self to you, and you can see him clearly.)
Notice vetting is not an active, "probing" examination by you. It's you evaluating a performance from him.
So after considering these sorts of questions, how do you feel about him?
How does he measure up against your boundaries, standards, and requirements?
Has he disqualified himself, or is he still in the running for the role you are wanting to fill?
Do you want to continue to accept his attentions or not?
Are you feeling "Yes," or "No?"
Or are you beginning to feel a "Hell Yes!"? (Which is where you want to be!)
Vetting is not "one and done." It's a continuous process of evaluation.
Keeping a leaned-back, attractive energy ensures your relationship progresses in a healthy way and he's the one making your decision for you.
You just stay connected to your feminine core and your desires, maintain your standards and boundaries, express your desires and emotions, and respond to him in a generous feminine way.
This keeps you, the prize, like you're up on the top of a White Tower behind your Magic Wall.
And it lets the man show you if he has what it takes to reach you at the top and make you his.
So you let the vetting process play out all the way to the point you're at "Hell Yes!" and you throw evaluation out the window. Then, just relish the journey until he gets down on one knee (because you know he's not messing around!)
And then, when the ring is on your finger, Attractive Vetting is "done."
You've reached your goal. Or, better, your goal has reached you!

But it's also a new beginning:
You and your very own, perfectly-matched Mr. Right are now set up for a rock-solid life of blissful love together...
Because even though you're "done" with Attractive Vetting, everything about yourself you discovered, awakened, and strengthened has already begun building a great marriage with your man.
The healthy, natural dynamics you've put in place in yourself and your relationship will make the fire of love between you burn stronger and stronger as you build your new life together and live happily ever after.
Now I want you to ask yourself:
"Is this the happy ending I want for my own story?"
How To Use Attractive Vetting In Your Own Life
If you can sense Attractive Vetting is not a superficial, gimmicky method for finding a man...
If you're scared or hesitant about how deep into yourself and your patterns it seems to go...
Or if you're wondering if you can really do this...
Then you are very perceptive and grasp both the power and depth of Attractive Vetting.
You've seen how it starts with you: You are the center.
You restore and embody a deep sense of your feminine core.
And then the dating mindset and the strategy just flows out of that, channeled through a clear understanding of masculine-feminine dynamics.
Yes there's some nuance, a process of learning and embodying new patterns, and it does go deep into yourself.
So I wouldn't call it "easy" for yourself: it's an investment of inner work in yourself.
But the results from that work lead to incredible ease and efficiency in dating, and who wants to delay finding your man even one single day more?
I believe you can find the relationship of your dreams by using Attractive Vetting.
It doesn't matter where you're starting, or any "issues" you feel you have!
After all, I was 37, divorced, and had 2 children when I began! And everything turned around for me with Attractive Vetting.
I started with myself, reconnecting with my "inner princess" (my own personal image of my deepest desires), and then I began aligning my life with those desires in a feminine, attractive way.
But before I tell you how you can get started using Attractive Vetting in your own life, let me share two other voices with you...
Two of my former mentees recently gave interviews about their experience with Attractive Vetting, so read this glimpse of what it did for them:
Now You Can Join The Attractive Vetting Movement!
"Most of the dating books I read were like, "Oh, this is the list of questions you have to ask the guy. And these are the things you have to look out for."
And I was like, this is a lot. Like, that's not fun. I mean, yeah, it's not all about fun. But I don't want to go on a date just having all these lists in my head, right?
So I just felt like I had so much information. But when I tried to apply it, and I actually go on a date, it's not applicable. It didn't feel practical for me. So that's what I talked to Leila about.
She told me that the Attractive Vetting strategy does not does not require any of these things. That you don't need to come in with all these questions. And you could filter out people in a much more efficient way. She just told me that she's all about efficiency. And she has a way that's very efficient. And I trusted her, that her strategy would work for me.
So the first thing is what I want. I didn't know what I wanted. And how to look for what I want. And how to figure out if this is a person I keep seeing or not? And also how to navigate in the dating scene. I didn't know how to do that. So I wanted more.
And I wanted all the answers of all these questions to fit together. So what you want and what to look for fit together with how to navigate the dating scene so that's why... that was the big thing, like the main thing that I got with Attractive Vetting."
Here's a second mentee's experience finding her husband with Attractive Vetting:
"I think with me a lot of it had to do with my age, you know, I was 34. I wanted a family, and I had traditional values. I'm not going to just have a family without being married.
But I was also the common denominator. All my failed relationships just seemed like they showed a pattern. And I just couldn't break it. A lot of cheating, a lot of stuff that I was allowing, you know, and so I wasn't raising my own self worth. I didn't recognize it.
So the first thing she taught me is to look at what did I want. Focusing on that, it weeded out manipulators by not asking as many questions. Let the man ask questions. Be comfortable, lean back with your feelings, let him fill the space.
I feel like my personality is very strong. And I've been told by other people that I'm an "alpha female." So for me to become submissive and receptive was completely new for me. But with Attractive Vetting it wasn't like an identity crisis sort of a thing. It was just unnatural at first.
It was a version of me that's softer that I hadn't really ever been comfortable with. But with Attractive Vetting, Leila was telling me to lead with that. And then, for my dominant personality to just like take a seat. Because it hasn't been working for so long.
Everything was very old school with a feminine approach that I had never been taught by anybody, not even my mom. And so I really appreciated that.
In terms of my future, the biggest thing was I wanted a man that was trustworthy. Well, what am I going to do for that? What's the feminine side to that? I need to trust. I wasn't trusting any of my previous relationships, you know, and a lot of it could have been too because I wasn't vetting them correctly.
And then also how to respond to stuff. You tell him what you feel or what you would love to see. And then you let the man fulfill that because he wants to make you happy.
I learned to tell him stuff like, "I would really love to wear this dress out one night," you know, so you put that out there. You're not telling him what to do. And then he'll figure it out. He'll be creative, you know, is it gonna be dinner, or maybe you go for a walk downtown, and then you wear the dress, you know, whatever it is.
But you're receptive to all of that. You're not telling him that's not good enough, you're just receptive to his leading because that's what you want, you want a man to lead.
It was just hard for me to change everything after so many years, but I ended up having to just trust the process. And you know, it ended up working. So after six months, I ended up getting engaged.
So I still let him lead, I'm not trying to be controlling, those are things that I never did in the past. And so I just let him lead and trust, you know. We started dating for a reason, because I was vetting men instead of like trying to outsmart the game. And so I've already done that process. And so now it's just kind of relax and just let him lead. Just tell him what you want and be the feminine part of the team.
Had I known of Attractive Vetting years earlier I wouldn't be so late in the game, but at the same time, I'm thankful because I'm marrying someone that I'm so glad I found late in the game.
By now, you see how and why Attractive Vetting is so effective at helping you to avoid losers, attract high quality men, and find your perfectly-matched Mr. Right.
And you understand what makes it so powerful for escaping the exhausting, unsuccessful cycles of "typical" dating so common for women today.
And that’s why today, I want to give you the opportunity to put Attractive Vetting to work for you in your dating life by joining the Attractive Vetting Academy.
Introducing the...
Attractive Vetting Academy
For Feminine Embodiment, Mindset, and Dating Strategy

Let me tell you what the AV Academy will do for you, and how quickly it will work, and everything you get today.
The AV Academy is a complete holistic system built from the ground up with Attractive Vetting at its core.
It's made up of 4 parts guiding you step by step into a deep, embodied connection with your feminine desires and attractiveness. And it shows you how to let that flow out into a uniquely efficient and effortless dating strategy, so you can find love with your Mr. Right without wasted time, heart ache, compromise, or confusion.
Plus, it's designed to walk you as comfortably AND efficiently as possible from beginner practices and concepts all the way to the details and strategy. You'll become a natural in just a few weeks as you practice Attractive Vetting in dating.
AV Academy Part 1:
Wake Up Your Feminine Energy With The "Modern Princess" Guided Visualizations

These are 4 guided visualizations with a light and fun vibe to quickly re-introduce you to your deep feminine energy. You'll get clarity on what you want in a man, stop chasing, and begin attracting.
These visualizations are 30-minute videos I recorded live with other women which gives it a lively atmosphere and a sense you are on this journey together with other amazing women.
The 4 visualizations guide you to...
- Experience a re-awakening of your feminine intuition, and get in touch with deep desires.
- Identify and remove blockages and limiting beliefs.
- Learn how to turn your desires into boundaries and standards.
- Learn how to maintain those boundaries and standards in your daily life.
You'll learn how to turn off your inner critic and learn to just be your true self...
...and take pleasure in your own dreams and desires.
You'll remember feeling like yourself as a child...
...and bring back the self that lies buried under all the pressures of life.
You'll notice patterns and see clearly where you might need to make adjustments in your life and relationships to be more true to yourself... you'll know how to take your intentions, values, and standards, and align your life with them.
You'll feel confident in how you want to be treated, and begin living out of desire rather than fear. (This makes saying "No" emotionally easy, and frees you from feeling endlessly obligated to others.)
And when you meet your friends or former colleagues for lunch to “catch up,” instead of keeping quiet about your new feminine, less aggressive lifestyle… you feel only pride in your newfound attitude.
AV Academy Part 2:
Discover Masculine-Feminine Dynamics With The "Inside a Man’s Mind" Masterclass

This is a simple introduction to masculine-feminine dynamics, so you'll quickly learn the beautiful contrast between men and women, which not only helps you understand men, but also understand yourself.
This is so important because you can't connect with someone unless you first understand both them and yourself.
In this 30 minute video presentation, you'll clear up confusion about what men do and why. (For many women, this helps bring emotional closure to unexplained behaviors of men in past relationships.)
And it gives you the ability to predict men's moves and reactions going forward... you'll know what they're going to do before they do it (at least in broad strokes).
Plus, you'll be able to spot unhealthy and healthy behavior in men... when a man is and isn't living up to his own energy and is unaligned with himself.
You'll know what not to say to a man in response to his frustration...
...and you'll learn what to say in a way he will receive as helpful and encouraging.
And you'll know WHY (this isn't one of those "Say These 10 Things To Men" robotic formulas... you'll really know why).
You'll see how feminine energy can draw out the best in a man, and recognize when you are taking over or contributing to an unhealthy dynamic.
But we're still just getting started...
AV Academy Part 3:
Experience Effortless Dating Using The "Find Your King Get The Ring" Strategy Lessons

Alright, it's time to find your man!
Find Your King, Get The Ring takes everything you've learned so far about femininity and how men and women fit together, and lays out clear, practical steps for your dating journey...
So you can Find Your King and "Get The Ring" with a clear strategy and confidence for every next step!
The dating strategy of Attractive Vetting is laid out in detail in 12 video lessons, and covers questions from the A to Z of dating like:
How—specifically—do you "recieve" masculine energy (aka "attract")... texting?
...on the phone? the presence of a sexy man?
...on a date?
How do you avoid pre-judgement so you don't miss a good thing? This is photoshopped, but it's just too funny and too true:

How do you flesh out your desires into something you can use in vetting?
How do you get more dates?
How do you best use online dating platforms?
What do you SAY when a man...
...asks you for a date?
...leaves silence?
...doesn't make a plan?
...asks you for your opinion?
...disappoints you?
...pushes you?
..."negs" you?
How can you "approach" a man in a feminine way?
How do you vet men and "decide" when it's time to be done?
How do you know, for sure, when you've found "The One"?
We get into ALL that in nitty gritty detail.
We follow a classic book (that I'll send you for free!) to reinforce what you're learning.
These details are where you learn what a feminine, leaned-back approach looks like in real life, and begin to use it to find your man... from even before the first date all the way to a RING!
Your friends might see how many dates you're going on and think it's exhausting, but with Attractive Vetting, dating is fun!
You'll float through dating with ease, feeling fabulous and having fun, being taken out on multiple dates per week with less effort than it's taken you to go on one per month in the past!

AV Academy Part 4:
Go Deep With The "Advanced Divine Polarity" Lessons

The "Advanced Divine Polarity" lessons go deep in everything that's going to support your successful dating journey.
As you begin to date with Attractive Vetting, you're going to learn a lot...
About yourself, about men, and about your femininity and attractiveness.
And you'll probably have questions come up, or realize areas where you need additional information, understanding, guidance, or practice.
Advanced Divine Polarity is where you'll get the answers and guidance you need.
So what does "Divine Polarity" mean?
The words 'Divine Polarity' mean two things: the masculine and feminine are deep, ancient energies, and that they are "polar"—they are "attracting opposites" like the north and south poles of magnets.
The video lessons follow 3 themes.
Each theme has multiple video lessons from me, and is based on a classic book on the theme. (I'm going to personally send you these three books as well!)
The books are "required reading" since they are packed with useful insights, timeless wisdom, and eye-opening examples.
But the video lessons stand alone and you can go through all of it at your own pace.
The first theme goes in deeper into the topics you experienced in the Modern Princess visualizations:
We get a little "sciency" as we look at how to calm down the nervous system and lessen your reactive energy. This means you can truly just "be," which eliminates the common pattern of partners mutually triggering each other, and falling off the path of a happy and healthy relationship.
This theme is also essential because there are a lot of fears experienced around dating. So slowing down is important to allow new ways of thinking to "get through" and become permanent and natural.
The second and third themes go deeper into the topics introduced in "Inside a Man's Mind."
Why? Because you really need to understand men and masculine energy!
Modern women have absorbed masculine energy from their environment, but it's mostly unconscious, and we're just not wired to understand it.
You'll never "fully" get how any man thinks (and thank goodness, because then there'd be no surprises!)
But to successfully vet men and find your Mr. Right, you DO need to understand masculine energy as it plays out in a relationship, in actions, and especially in communication. Otherwise, you're going to be interpreting the men you're vetting through a blurry and distorted lens...
I see many women suffering in two opposite ways from being ignorant about masculine energy, and what we cover in these themes corrects them both:
1) You'll be able to see where you've been taking on the masculine role (which turns off high quality men... quick!)
2) You'll stop expecting a man to behave, think, or communicate like a feminine woman does (so you can identify and appreciate masculine men capable of a long-term, healthy relationship).
Plus, you'll discover how you and your man "fit together" to unlock unshakeable joy and connection in your relationship.
The AV Academy Has Everything You Need For Success in Dating... but You're Getting Even More!
Check Out Your 4 FREE Bonuses:
With everything you’re getting today, you have everything you need to most efficiently avoid losers, attract high quality men, and find your perfectly-matched Mr. Right who meets all your true desires for a life of love.
But, this is still only a part of what you get with AV Academy.
Because when you enter the AV Academy today, you also get these four bonuses not available anywhere else:
Bonus #1:
Dating Etiquette Guide
This one-page guide shares 10 specific ways to let him lead on your very next date. You'll set a completely different vibe than he's ever experienced before.
It will immediately elevate your attractiveness and value in his eyes and bring out masculine instincts in a high quality man so you start things off with a feminine bang!

Bonus #2:
Texting Etiquette Guide
Texting doesn't have to be stressful!
It doesn't have to suck up all your energy or tie you up in perplexing knots!
This short guide lays out principles of feminine communication applied to texting, and you can use them right away.
It will let you see what "leaning back" looks like in real life, and how you can do it too.
I don't advocate copy and paste "formulas," so you'll understand how this works. And it makes text communication so much easier and stress-free (and lets you avoid turning off men who are looking for a feminine woman!)

Bonus #3:
AV Academy Book Bundle
I'll send the 4 books I mentioned above to you... on me!
These classic books packed with wisdom and examples will open your eyes to your femininity and relationship dreams, and let you improve your dating success as you read them in your "in-between" times or curled up on the couch.

Bonus #4:
Real Questions, Real Answers Sessions
I am going to include private, live Q&A session video recordings as your fourth bonus.
The "Advanced Divine Polarity" and "Find Your King, Get The Ring" courses were recorded live with a small group of women. And after covering the lesson material with these women, I opened up the time for live questions.
These sessions will make the material "come alive" for you as you see Attractive Vetting playing out in the complexities of real life...

You'll see other women like you who are new to these practices and concepts, and be encouraged by getting a glimpse of their journey.
You'll hear common struggles and how I help them work toward solutions, which will reassure you as you see how common your struggles are: you're not alone!
You'll follow along with their questions, my answers, and our clarifying interactions.
You'll hear post-date stories as they begin to use Attractive Vetting, and hear my feedback on questions about what to do if you don't hear back right away, how to turn down a second date, and lots more.
The dialogue and conversation will solidify what you're learning and answer the most common questions women have as they awaken their femininity and learn to practice it in their dating lives.
You'll feel like "I can do this too!"
I’m not sure how much longer I’ll continue to include these bonuses, but for today, you get all of them, FREE!
Start Today To Avoid Losers, Attract High Quality Men, and Find Your Perfectly-Matched Mr. Right By Joining AV Academy
With everything you get today...
- The Modern Princess Guided Visualizations ($197)
- Inside a Man's Mind Masterclass ($87)
- Advanced Divine Polarity ($1197)
- Find Your King Get The Ring ($1457)
- Bonus #1: First Date Etiquette Guide ($7)
- Bonus #2: Texting Etiquette Guide ($17)
- Bonus #3: Attractive Vetting Book Bundle ($70)
- Bonus #4: Real Questions Real Answers Q&A sessions ($497)
...the AV Academy has a total value of over $3000 (When these are sold separately).
So think about it like this:
At $3000, if all the AV Academy did for you was eliminate losers from your dating life, would it be worth the investment?
I would say… yes, it would be worth it because your precious life is so much more valuable than even a month more of wasted time and heartache when you deserve happiness with your Mr. Right!
If all the AV Academy did for you was bring more high quality, masculine men into your life, would it be worth it?
Again, I would say… yes, it would be worth it because that's the only way you're going to find your own "One" for a life of married bliss.
If all the AV Academy did for you was help you know for sure when you've found your perfectly-matched Mr. Right, would it be worth it?
And again, I would say… absolutely yes, it would be worth it because the marriage of your dreams is priceless.
But, today, when you enroll in the AV Academy it isn’t going to be $3000 dollars.
It’s not even going to be half of that at $1500.
Instead, today, when you enroll in the AV Academy, you get access to everything:
- The Modern Princess Guided Visualizations
- Inside a Man's Mind Masterclass
- Advanced Divine Polarity
- Find Your King Get The Ring
- Bonus #1: First Date Etiquette Guide
- Bonus #2: Texting Etiquette Guide
- Bonus #3: Attractive Vetting Book Bundle
- Bonus #4: Real Questions Real Answers Q&A sessions
...a total value of $3000…
...for a single installment of only $397!
That’s over 85% off and a savings of over $2,400 on your investment. I'm offering this discount because my life's calling is to help women find the man of their dreams, and I want that for you!
Plus, All You Have To Say Is "Maybe" Today!
You don’t even have to say yes today. All you have to say is “maybe” – and that’s because you can put the entire AV Academy to the test, risk-free.
When you enroll, your entire investment is backed by a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
Let me tell you why I'm offering the guarantee:

Because I have complete confidence in its effectiveness for you: I've personally seen it transform the dating lives of hundreds of women from all kinds of backgrounds.
It just works.
Plus, what you learn gives you all sorts of secondary benefits outside of your dating life... in personal peace, a happier life, natural confidence, and more.
(I've even had many clients tell me the lessons on boundaries have drastically improved their relationships with their parents, family, friends, and coworkers.)
I'm also offering the guarantee because I believe the investment is worth it. I have poured thousands of hours of experience into this course and know its value is far beyond your investment today.
But from your perspective, I recognize you don't know me yet, and it's reasonable to be skeptical in this day and age... unfortunately scammers are out there. (I've had to deal with them myself).
I don't want ANYTHING to hold you back from taking a huge step towards finding your Mr. Right today.
I know you'll be overwhelmingly satisfied once you begin with Attractive Vetting, but I offer the guarantee so you have full confidence right NOW to move forward!
So enroll today... go through everything… put it all to the test over the next 30 days, and you’re either thrilled with how much this has changed your dating, or you can simply send me one email and you’ll get a complete refund of every penny.
You’re guaranteed to immediately experience the power of Attractive Vetting to avoid losers, begin attracting higher quality men and see a new, clear path to finding Mr. Right, or you get all your money back. No questions asked.
Make a Move Now... Your Mr. Right is Waiting!
There’s no need for you to spend one more day feeling lost in a cycle of hopeless dating.
There’s no need for you to continue without a clear and efficient strategy to find your Mr. Right.
You can change all of that today with the AV Academy.
Go ahead… Click the button below to enter your info and enroll in the AV Academy right now...
(And see a "secret bonus" I'll give you for taking action:)

©2021 Limitless by Leila LLC 725 Eddies Rd Salem, VA 24153
Limitless by Leila LLC is not a mental/medical health practitioner or mental/medical health provider and is not holding itself out to be in any capacity. Limitless by Leila LLC is not providing counseling or therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical or mental ailment. Limitless by Leila LLC is a coach, mentor, and guide who helps you reach your own goals through positive, healthy methods that give you the option to create lifestyle changes.
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