His First Audition (AKA Your First Date)
When you lean back with men instead of chasing, youll clear the losers out of your way and begin attracting high quality men looking for a owmen to win for life-long love.
So now what
You have a new (good!) problem on your hands: finding YOUR perfectly matched Mr. Right.
Not every man who chases you is a man you'' be atracted to, let alone sweep you off your feet.
Here's where the critical "Vetting" part of Attractive Vetting comes in to find your Mr. Right.
Vetting turns the tables on typical dating and gives you a new, stress-free approach to dates and makes finding your Mr. Right effortless.

You completely reframe what dating is by using your new, feminine energy mindset.
Here's what dating is now:
You're like a director who's looking for a star for your film.
Here's what I mean:
You're not trying to prove yourself, convince him, keep him, or please him enough for him to move forward. (I get anxious just thinking about how stressful this is!)
No one wants to be settled for, or be with a man who;s always dragging his feet!
Instead of putting in more and more effort with a man, you're simply giving him space to convince YOU he's the one for you!
You're the prize! You're the goal!
Saying "yes" to a date is you accepting a request from a man to audition for you... it's you saying "Ok, I'll give you an opportunity to audition for a role in my life."
You're not locked into overly-specific or superficial "must-haves" for who could play that role for you.
You're not limiting your availability to one actor at a time (why should you commit to one before he "signs on"?) You want LOTS of options to choose from.
And you're open to surprises.
Sound fun? It is!
Did He Make You Want A Second Date?
Directors just let the actor reveal themselves and evaluate afterwards if the performance.
So like a good director, with Attractive Vetting you vet men by simply observing his first audition (your first date) and ask yourself afterwards:
- How does he treat me?
- How does he make me feel?
- How attracted am I to him? (Don't be too quick with this one, because even awesome men can take a while to warm up.)
Those questions let him decide for you if he's earned a "Yes" for a second audition or not.
Did he make you want to accept a second audition or not?
Either way is great, because you're not emotionally invested; you're just at peace in yourself, so declining a second date is easy: "I'm not available anymore."
But unless it's a super obvious "No," I recommend to women I mentor to just relax and enjoy the journey until at least the third date before setting aside some time to evaluate how things are going.
Third Date And Beyond
So after the third date, take some time for yourself to crystallize your experience with him to gain clarity.
Because by then, you have a good amount of information about him and his character, so you're considering things like this:
- How has he responded if he's bumped up against one of my boundaries, and I revealed it to him? Like "I don't do 'girlfriend'... I'm not exclusive until I have a ring on my finger." (His response to your boundaries is a surefire way to discover his true colors, so you don't have to guess.)
- How has he reacted when I've revealed my standards? (Like, do you want him to pick you up? Do you want him to pay? Do you want him to open the door?) Is he energized by meeting your desires, or does he drag his feet?
- What actions is he taking toward me? Is he treating me how I want my husband to treat me?
- What does he talk about, where does he drive our conversations? (When you just let him speak, you'll see his heart quite clearly and quickly, because "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.")
- How has your attraction to him developed or changed since you first met?
- How have you been doing at staying in attraction mode, leaning back, and being in your feminine energy? (So you can let him reveal his true self to you, and you can see him clearly.)
Notice vetting is not an active, "probing" examination by you. It's you evaluating a performance from him.
So after considering these sorts of questions, how do you feel about him?
How does he measure up against your boundaries, standards, and requirements?
Has he disqualified himself, or is he still in the running for the role you are wanting to fill?
Do you want to continue to accept his attentions or not?
Is He Mr. Right? Know For SURE
Are you feeling "Yes," or "No?"
Or are you beginning to feel a "Hell Yes!"? (Which is where you want to be!)
Vetting is not "one and done." It's a continuous process of evaluation.
Keeping a leaned-back, attractive energy ensures your relationship progresses in a healthy way and he's the one making your decision for you.
You just stay connected to your feminine core and your desires, maintain your standards and boundaries, express your desires and emotions, and respond to him in a generous feminine way.
This keeps you, the prize, like you're up on the top of a White Tower behind your Magic Wall.
And it lets the man show you if he has what it takes to reach you at the top and make you his.
So you let the vetting process play out all the way to the point you're at "Hell Yes!" and you throw evaluation out the window. Then, just relish the journey until he gets down on one knee (because you know he's not messing around!)
And then, when the ring is on your finger, Attractive Vetting is "done."
You've reached your goal. Or, better, your goal has reached you!

But it's also a new beginning:
You and your very own, perfectly-matched Mr. Right are now set up for a rock-solid life of blissful love together...
Because even though you're "done" with Attractive Vetting, everything about yourself you discovered, awakened, and strengthened has already begun building a great marriage with your man.
The healthy, natural dynamics you've put in place in yourself and your relationship will make the fire of love between you burn stronger and stronger as you build your new life together and live happily ever after.
Now I want you to ask yourself:
"Is this the happy ending I want for my own story?"

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