With Attractive Vetting You Find Mr. Right FASTER By Doing LESS Using This Forgotten, Feminine Secret
The Attractive Vetting approach to dating starts with a powerful secret to let your feminine energy shine brighter and get IMMEDIATE benefits in your dating life.
This secret automatically screen out lazy losers (without you even needing to know who's a loser and who's not).
And it automatically calls out to the very best in high quality men.
You can start using this secret right now in under 1 second, and it takes no skill or experience at all.
Want me to let you in on this forgotten feminine secret?
Here it is: Don't chase men.
It's that easy.
But it's also tricky...
...because if you're like I was, and like almost every woman I mentor, you don't realize how you ARE chasing, which makes it hard to stop.
Absorbing a "chasing" mindset is a completely natural byproduct of being a successful woman in the modern world. (I'll explain this more later on.)
No one teaches women about this anymore, or even talks about it, so don't feel bad about it!
You're about to discover the power of this feminine secret, and once you get it you'll see how EASY it is to attract more high quality men, and how much more FUN it is than chasing!
So what's in store for you if you recognize patterns of chasing, and learn to stop?
This is from a mentee explaining what it feels like:
Do You Chase Men?
It takes a process of realization to see your behavior in a new way and to stop an unconcious, ingrained pattern.
So, for a few examples of chasing, ask yourself if you've ever done any of these?
My guess is that you see yourself in some of these...
But you might be thinking "Well, if I'm not supposed to do any of this, what the heck else is there to even do?"
If you're reacting this way, you're deep into a chasing mindset like a fish in water...
And I'm here to tell you Attractive Vetting holds SO MUCH MORE for you than you can even imagine!
Just you wait!
But before we get there, you really need to get this (Sorry if it hurts!):
Look at the man's unconscious perspective when you chase him: "She's reaching out to me, prompting me, initiating, prodding me to move, pushing me to take things to the next level. It must be because she doesn't think she's worthy enough for me to want to pursue her."
That might have hurt. I'm sorry! But that's really the signal chasing sends to men.
Chasing hides your innate attractiveness, and drives away high quality men.
Ghosting Explained (Well, Partially)
It's true, chasing feeds into the "desperate vibe" women fear they give off even if they don't quite know why.
And in my experience, I would say 60% of women's experiences of a man ghosting or falling off the radar is because of this chasing vibe.
Chasing him fills up the space he needs to chase YOU!
The other reasons men ghost might be they just don't feel a vibe with you, they're lazy, or they had something big come up and don't want to explain.
On the next page, you'll learn how to become immune to ghosting.
But first, you need to understand that if you're chasing a man, he might stick around (for a while) because he's a loser enjoying the free entertainment. But he'll bail once the pressure to take it to the next level gets too high, or he finds a more "entertaining" woman who comes with no strings attached.
Chasing finds only losers like this, and is a losing way find your Mr. Right!
Now you might be thinking, "How is this fair? Why can't I initiate if he's being slow?"
All I can say is sorry babe, I don't make the rules! I just teach what works to find a high quality man. But at the same time, I think as you continue to learn about Attractive Vetting, it will begin to make sense... and you might even feel more yourself than you ever have before (many of my mentees say this)!
So what to do instead of chasing?
How To Attract: Do "Nothing"
Here's how the conversation with many mentees goes at this point:
Mentee: Ok Leila, I see now I might be chasing men, so what do I do to attract instead?
Leila: You don’t do anything.
Mentee: What do you mean?
Leila: Just stop chasing.
Mentee: Surely there’s SOMETHING I can do instead?
Leila: Nope.
Mentee: That doesn’t make any sense. You want me to switch from chasing to attracting, right?
Leila: Not exactly.
Mentee: I’m not getting it.
Leila: Attracting is not a different thing “to do” instead of chasing. Attracting is BEING. You’re already attractive to men because you ARE a woman, so if you're growing in connecting with your feminine energy you're right where you need to be. If you want to think about “doing” things, don’t think about men. It might include some inner work and healing which we'll talk about, but it mainly means doing things that make you feel MORE yourself, and more connected with your feminine energy, more embodied with yourself.
Mentee: Ok like what?
Leila: If that's more time on your hair in the mornings, do it. If it’s making art, do that. Yoga, reading, coffee with friends, old hobbies and interests to pick back up, whatever. Just enjoy yourself! If you’re doing anything to try to impress or please a man, you’ve missed it and turned back to chasing. Men will be more attracted to you the more you aren't concerned about attracting them. Just be yourself, feel what you feel, live in the moment, and enjoy your life. They'll LOVE it!
So with Attractive Vetting, here's what dating looks like with NO chasing:
- Being happy, smiling, warm, and at ease.
- Being busy enjoying your life whether he takes 3 minutes to text back or 3 days
- Feeling at peace when a man deselects himself
- Leaning back and observing during conversations since you know he is the one auditioning for a place in your life (much more on "auditioning" in a minute)
- Noticing what agenda HE is setting for conversation
- Being in touch with how he's making you feel
- Feeling at ease with positive and negative emotions, expressing your needs and desires honestly in the moment
- Feeling playful and laughing, having fun with banter, mystery, and tingling tension between you
- Expressing desires and requests (like "I'd like to be picked up") without expectation, and enjoying letting him meet them (this makes you MORE exciting to a man than trying to be "impressive" or "entertaining")
- Generously expressing gratitude and excitement when receiving his attention, initiative, or gifts (this is like food to a man's soul)
- Revealing your preferred sexual boundaries and standards and holding to them with total security
- Feeling what's true for you, regardless of his mood
- Being pleased and ready when he moves the relationship towards marriage
Can you imagine a loser man putting up with this?
He wants you to do all the work, he wants you to put on a show for him (until he gets bored).
So this "attractive," leaned-back posture feels like a million-mile tall wall he has ZERO interest in climbing, and he won't be bothering you any more once he gets one whiff of it.
And here's why the "Don't Chase" Feminine secret is so powerful: at the same time it repels lazy losers, it ATTRACTS masculine, energetic men looking for a woman who knows she's worth winning.
Check out this text from a mentee in Denmark showing the secret in action:
Isn't that amazing!?!?
Look closely:
One loser down with lightning speed! Good riddance!
And one high quality man shows himself and starts his chase!
Attracting and NOT chasing says, subconsciously: "There's a prize right here. Come and see if you have what it takes to win!"
Masculine men are energized by a challenging goal so your attractive posture gives them a laser target to focus their competitive energy and efforts toward (they love this).
They'll want to WIN... YOU!
But now it's your turn...
...because the men that chase you might be in a class above the losers, many might even be great and admirable men, but which one is "The One" for you?
"Vetting" is how to find out, and the simple mindset shift is really fun:
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